A winning British export? Whitehall energy meters
All 18 Whitehall departments have posted real-time energy monitors that can be tracked online by the public. The monitors are the result of a David Cameron pledge and the handiwork of eco|Driver. The...
View ArticleRichard Thaler at No. 10 Downing
Richard Thaler was in the U.K. last week meeting with Prime Minster David Cameron and his staff on ways to incorporate the principles of Nudge into public policy. The group working on the project –...
View ArticleU.K. social norms campaign to reduce youth violence
Spotted by Jon de Quidt, who thinks the statistic that 1 percent of youth commit serious violence sounds like a lot of youth. Wondering what constitutes “serious” violence?
View Article“Nudge unit” looking to boost U.K. tax compliance
While attention has been paid to news about smoking and organ donor policies coming out of the new British government’s “Nudge unit,” there is also word out about plans to experiment with ways to boost...
View ArticleAssorted links
1) Budgeting is like dieting. You don’t follow through on your plans. 2) Florida prison currency: Honey buns are the new cigarettes. 3) Maybe the nudge work in the U.K. should be more low-key. 4) Top...
View ArticleHelp! The Covent Garden-Leicester Square tube ride needs a nudge
Reader William Bray sends along an interesting example of a congested environment that seems like it could benefit from a nudge (or two). Time Out London explains the problem: Leicester Square to...
View ArticleRichard Thaler: Demand more from companies that are making money off your data
In his new NYT column, Richard Thaler offers a guiding principle for policymakers thinking about rules around how personal data can and should be collected and disseminated. If a business collects data...
View Article“Mind the Map”– How the map of the London Underground affects decision making
Congestion isn’t just a highway problem. It happens on subway systems, too. Zhan Guo, a professor of urban planning and transportation policy at NYU, says that part of this congestion stems from how...
View ArticleNudges and public policy. Get back to the basics of behavioral science
Cass Sunstein is busy working for the Obama administration and Richard Thaler is currently consulting to the coalition government in the UK. This post expresses the independent thoughts of the Nudge...
View ArticleA “plan” to save money at Britain’s National Health Service
The Telegraph reports that having patients write down the details of their appointment themselves could save the NHS £250 million a year. Traditional approaches to the problem have included sending...
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